
Performance Design

The core of circular value creation is to understand the value of products and the jobs they get done for their customers. These core value propositions constitute a performance design. To understand the transition from customers buying products to users paying for performance and access we use a method called Value Mapping:

Value Mapping

How to decouple growth from resource consumption? To decouple growth from resource consumption, companies must retain the value of their products after use. This cannot be achieved through resource efficiency, but resource efficacy. Companies use raw materials to build products, which create value when sold to customers. The question is how much value still exists after the use phase of a product? An essential piece of analysing the value creation process of your company is to visualise these various value flows within your business ecosystem. Based on the value mapping we help you identify destroyed or missed values and opportunities for new value creation.

Added Value

The value map is a visual tool that offers a new perspective on supply chains and definition of value. Value maps enable you to measure the extent to which your value creation processes depend on specific resources and identify the crucial points for adjustment and enhancement.

Methods & Tools

  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Stakeholder Mapping
  • Benchmarking
  • Circularity Assessment
  • LCA & Carbon Footprint